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Talks About People's Stomachs



Written in 1870 one of Mr. Lewis s first lines is a quote from Hippocrates
Without health we can enjoy no fortune, honors, or riches, and all the other advantages are useless 
It is the aim of this book to show the simple and natural means by which the stomach may be kept in a healthy condition. Dio Lewis had a keen eye in looking at the facial characteristics of people. He claimed if we were to watch people we should be able to determine the condition of their reservoirs, or stomachs. Even though this book carries a strong health message for all of us one cannot help but pick up the authors sense of humor. This book is about: Stomach s and we all have one. Flatulence is addressed as Noises in the Bowels however so perfectly described one cannot help but laugh while reading this informative chapter. Dio stresses the importance and care of teeth. Chapters address: Meats, Grain, Water Drinking, Digestion; to the processing of foods we eat. We can choose a; Short Life & a Merry One; or a Long Life and a Merry One;. Diet, Adulterations of Food are all addressed in story and example form. From sleep to digestion this book is a treasure trove of information.